Project Management for several Business Projects in Cooperation with Business Units and several Service Providers Supervision of the Projects during the Pre-Project Stage, technical Implementation and GoLive Support for improving the Project Management Tools
Henkel eShop
Program management and interims project lead in strategy, conception, development and implementation of the B2B eShop for Henkel Adhesives As part of Henkel’s corporate strategic priority “Accelerate Digitalization”, the B2B eShop project is paving the way for proving early business value delivery by using agile working methods and applying the scrum framework Disruptive setting in start-up environment to ensure speed …
Your project
We’ll identify all of the critical success factors, taking all interest groups into account. In doing so, we’ll analyse your business processes and turn them into requirements. Drawing on our many years of experience, we’ll support you in selecting the appropriate technologies, tools and service providers. We’ll design and organise the transition to integrated IT systems and cost-efficient operation.